JavaScript Wrapper

API wrapper in JavaScript

We currently are working on the wrapper. It will be available in the future. This guide also is a work in progress.

You can use the API wrapper in JavaScript to make requests to the API. This is very useful for themes and modules, and you should use it instead of making requests yourself.

Having a wrapper allows us to make changes to the API without having to change the code in your theme or module. This makes your code more feature-proof.

Importing the wrapper

To import the API wrapper, use the following code:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ CSRFToken }}">
<script src="{{ "Api/API.js?v=#{guest.system_version}" | library_url }}"></script>

This code first creates a new meta tag that stores the CSRF token. The API wrapper uses this tag to add the token to API requests. Next, it imports the API wrapper using the library_url filter, which generates the correct URL for the file, then it appends the current system version to prevent cache issues.

Making requests

An API request using the wrapper will look something like this: API.guest.get("system/version", {}, function(response) The API wrapper has the following parameters:

  • Endpoint Type: the type of API endpoint (admin, client, or guest).
  • method: the HTTP method to use (get or post).
  • endpoint: the specific endpoint to request (e.g., /system/version).
  • params: any parameters to include in the request (e.g., query parameters for a GET request or request body data for a POST request).
  • successHandler: a function to handle a successful response from the API.
  • errorHandler: a function to handle an error response from the API.

Here's a few different examples: To make a GET request to the guest API and request the /api/guest/system/version endpoint, use:

API.guest.get("system/version", {}, function(response) {
  // handle successful response
}, function(error) {
  // handle error response

To make a POST request to the admin API and request the /api/admin/client/get_list endpoint, use:"client/get_list", {}, function(response) {
  // handle successful response
}, function(error) {
  // handle error response

Handling API Responses

Handling Successful Responses

In the example code snippets above, the successHandler function is called when the API request is successful. You can use this function to process the data returned by the API.

Handling Error Responses

The errorHandler function is called when an error occurs during the API request. You can use this function to handle any errors and display an appropriate error message to the user.